Thursday 13 March 2014

Pravin and Indira

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Elavarasan, Thangam and Sumathi

I am Thangam (Gold In Tamil). I had a taste of mother’s love. Strangely enough it is from my mother-in-law. This is strange, for in our culture the relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law is mostly strained. My Athai (Tamil for mother-in-law) is like my mother to me, and often we are more like friends. I will describe my sexual life for it is relevant to the story I am about to relate. I am married for a little more than a year and a half, but that does not prevent me from thinking that I have found the key to a happy married life.I will tell you what I consider the key. Unless a woman learns to enjoy sex with her husband happiness in marriage is not a possibility. My husband’s name is Elavarasan. In our culture I cannot call him by name. I call him Athan. Though Athan means maternal uncle’s son a woman can call her husband Athan even if he is not a blood relation. Athan likes to see me go about my household work in the nude. I am pretty certain that all men would love it once they get a taste of it. Unfortunately in our house that is possible only in the bedroom. My husband and I found the pleasures of nudity quite accidentally. I was in the nude one day ready for love making when the telephone rang. I took the call and I had to rummage the desk drawer to give the caller the particulars she required. I was doing that when I noticed my husband looking at me with excitement. I was reading out the particulars over the phone when something was nudging between my legs. I looked down. It was Athan, face upwards, trying to insert his head between my legs. I was amused. I parted my legs as I continued reading. Soon his lips were on my vulva. I placed one foot on a chair, and he gripped my buttocks and started licking my clitoris in right earnest. Luckily I completed the task before I had orgasm.

The listener is bound to have suspected that something was happening at the other end, but she could not have guessed what it was in a million tries. From then on whenever we were in a mood for it I would go nude and carry on my job of writing or reading or arranging the room or whatever. Athan never allowed me to complete what I set out to do. He would start sucking or licking till I had to call a halt to my task. These episodes always ended in hot lovemaking with powerful orgasms.One evening I had to talk to my husband on a matter that was in my thoughts for some time. I had to get him into a proper mood. I know how to do that. I carried a silver tumbler with milk to the bedroom. My husband was reclining on the bed. He received the tumbler and drank with relish. Both my mother-in-law and I do not believe in the modern craze of 2 percent, half and half, and other forms of milk. It has to be whole milk, and one of us has to be there at the gate watching the milkman as he milked his cow. The milk has to boil, and then only is it fit for use. Whole milk from one cow (a rare privilege in the modern world) has a special taste. No doubt my husband drinks with relish. He drank half and gave the tumbler to me to drink the rest.”Have a little more,” I said. He took one more sip and gave it back. This time I drank the lot. Wife drinking what the husband leaves from his tumbler of milk is a First Night ritual. We have continued that custom every day for a year and a half. The ritual of course does not stop with milk drinking.”Your choice today,” I said. My husband pondered, and then gave his order as if I was a waitress in a restaurant.”Licking.” He paused, and then continued, “with you on top.” Sixty-nine with woman on top is as different from sixty-nine with woman below as North is from South. I arranged pillows for him to rest his head at the right height and angle. This is very important. The reputation of sixty-nine promising a lot and delivering little is owing to couples neglecting this detail.

“Undress me,” I said. He did.”Undress me,” he said. I did. It is a game we play. I examined his penis. I held it and ran my fingers up and down the shaft. I held the glands with my fingers bunched on the ledge and gave the shaft a gentle pull.”Is it up to your expectations?” he asked.”It’s good. Now position yourself.” When he was ready I climbed up, went on knees and elbows, and reversed rather like a car. He tapped my buttocks as if they were combo drums, gently of course. When he stopped drumming I knew the positioning was good. He knows my vulva like the palm of his hand, but that does not prevent him from inspecting it with awe every time he has the chance. I of course could not see him but I could feel his breath as he reconnoitered. Then he nipped the labia menorah and then licked the secretions I was pouring in my excitement. Then he touched my clitoris with the tip of his pointed tongue. I shuddered. It is always my response to the first touch—a shudder that shakes my whole body. Meanwhile I was playing with his penis: Stroking it, licking the drops of clear fluid that oozed at the tip, and then taking the gleans into my mouth. We had both agreed that till our first child appeared not one drop of his semen should go anywhere but into the vagina. But that did not prevent me from taking his penis into my mouth and chewing on it. And then suddenly his licking intensified. Athan says that licking is different when the clitoris is above. The inner leaves open out like the petals of the lotus and the clitoris thrusts out like the stamen. He says that his upper lip now comes into play and not the lower lip as when I am on my back. Also he gets more of the clitoris to play with. He held the clitoris with his lips and licked. My buttocks were moving back and forth, almost vibrating, and then he stopped for a moment; when he restarted he swiped. I cascaded in an intense orgasm. He bit on my clitoris still I was screaming a muffled screams. I waited for the thrill to subside and turned round and lay on my back, feet in air. I guided his penis into my soaking wet vagina. Soon he ejaculated, and I had orgasm at about the same time. Then I had some more.”Cup me,” I said. He cupped his hand on my vulva and pressed, and I had some aftershocks. We rested for a while. We went to wash. He washed me with a softness and delicacy that is an experience in itself. I then washed him and we lay and snuggled. “Athan darling, I have something important to discuss with you,” I said. “Go ahead,” he said.

I do not believe any wife has ever proposed to her husband what I intended to. I was convinced that I was doing the right thing, but it was so bizarre that most would think it horrific. Few would believe it. I had pondered about this for weeks and now I was going to plunge ahead. “I want to talk about Athai,” I said. “What of her?”"She is lonely.”"You keep her company isn’t it?”"I mean persons of her age.”"She is very friendly with many neighbor women.” “Yes of course she has many friends with whom she goes to temples and even movies.”Then what?” Man’s incapacity to grasp even the basics of woman’s wants can be exasperating. I tried a different approach.”She’s young for her age.”"What do you mean young for her age?”"She is only thirty-eight.” “She married early. That is why she has a daughter-in-law when she is so young.” “Many women nowadays marry when they are in their thirties.”My husband finally understood what I was driving at. He became thoughtful.

“Do you think she misses that?”"Of course.”"How do you know? Did she tell you?”"Don’t be funny. Is she likely to tell this to anyone? I am a woman. I know.”"What can anyone do? That’s fate.”"A widow woman near my home who was older than Athai and much less attractive than her did not leave it to fate. She developed a relationship with one of the many men swarming round her. The resulting scandal destroyed that family.”"Are men swarming around mother?”"Of course they are. Any single woman, especially a young widow as attractive as Athai would attract the attention of men, and not all of them are old.”"How do you know?”"I see them.”"I don’t”"I have eyes to see them, and to feel their presence.”"Because you are a woman?”"That’s correct.”"Do you think mother would do such things?”"I am almost sure she would not. But human nature being what it is accidents can happen. Anyway why should she suffer the agony of want of such a basic human necessity? And is it fair that I should have it sumptuously every day when my mother-in-law is starving?”"What to do? You seem to have some solution in your mind.” “I do.” I did, but how to say that was my problem.”Then tell me.”"Do as the sashtras say.”"What do they say?”"My late grandfather’s library is a large one. It has many books on sashtras. During my graduate study of sociology I used to refer to them. The ancient sages have a solution.”"What’s that?”"They say that it the duty of the son to act for the dead father if the widow is young.” Athan sat up.”What happened to you Thangam, have you taken leave of your senses?”"I told you it is not my idea. That is what our wise ancestors have said.”"But that is incest,” he said. I bridled up. I was now on surer ground.”What is the Tamil word for incest?” I asked.”I don’t know.”"There is none. There is none in Sanskrit either. Incest is a concept imported into India by the missionaries. Do you know that the bible has a story of two daughters seducing their father to save their tribes, and the two tribes they produced flourished with God’s blessing?”‘The bible?”

“Yes the bible. I have a copy of the bible I will show you tomorrow. God destroyed two sinful cities and saved a man called Lot and his two daughters. The daughters seduced their father. If they had not the tribe would have become extinct. God blessed them and their progeny. If daughters can, why not a son?”"But she is my mother.”"Of course she is. Can you say with total honesty that you have never looked on your mother on occasions with sexual thoughts?” He was silent. “She is an attractive woman. She is full of life. Is it not better that her son who loves her, and whom she loves more than anything else on earth should have sex with her rather than some lustful stranger?”"Your suggestion is quite absurd. If mother gets a scent of what we were talking about she may faint with shock at the enormity of it.”"She may not. On several occasions I have seen her looking at you with eyes that spoke something else.”"How do you know? Don’t tell me because you are a woman.” “That is exactly why I know.”"But Thangam I am shocked that you should be suggesting that I must be unfaithful to you.”"When it happens with my consent it cannot be cheating. On the other hand it is pure. She carried you in her womb, she gave birth, and she suckled you. Physically she has been closer to you than any human living or dead can ever be.” Later I reviewed the answer I had conjured up on the spur of the moment. I do not feel I need to modify it. I am as possessive of my husband as any wife but this was a case of mother and son, and the circumstances were very special. Women create a furor when the husband goes astray because they feel he may desert them leaving to them the task of fending for the family. If that situation does not exist they are much more tolerant to husband’s shortcomings.

“I do not understand your attitude,” said my husband. “It is all very puzzling. You seem to suggest that is no such thing as incest.”"Tamil, a two thousand year old language, does not have a word for incest. What does that mean? It means that such a relationship is not definable”"What do you mean not definable?”"Every culture has it own idea of what is proper relationship and what is improper relationship for marriage. Please note it is for marriage alone. Marrying sister’s daughter is unthinkable among Malayalees of the West coast of South India. But among the Tamils and Telugus of the East coast it is not only acceptable but is the first choice match. Father’s brother’s children are taboo but mother’s brother’s children or father’s sister’s children are proper among Hindus, but the reverse is true among Muslims. So much for marriage. As for relationships outside marriage there are no guidelines at all. Most of the confused thinking arises out of assuming that all sexual relations ought to be within wedlock alone. “It is illegal.”"Yes, under British inspired laws that we still follow. I am sure it was not during ancient days.”"But it is not happening “It is. Have you noticed the sister and brother in the corner house?”"Ajit and Prabha?”"Yes. If you notice them you would see that they are very close to each other. The way they smile and look at each other is not like brother and sister, but like lovers.”"You mean incest?”"Don’t use that word. Probably there is no sexual intercourse between them, but certainly they are hugging and kissing and fondling.”"If you can glean that much won’t the parents also have guessed and have done something to prevent it.”They would have guessed for sure. Probably they think that it better than the boy visiting one-night stands, and the girl developing some unwanted relationship. Harmless release of tension.”"Harmless? You don’t think it is wrong?”

“Not wrong. Not something to be encouraged, but when it happens that close need to be supportive. In due course Ajit and Prabha will marry others and have happy married lives. Such things are happening all over. Not a surprise considering that brother and sister, both sloshing to the brim with hormones, are in such close contact. They kiss and hug and fondle and may be masturbate each other, and even have sex. Studies show that up to fifteen percent of brothers and sisters indulge in some sort of sexual activity. To a much lesser extent the same goes for loving father having sexual contact with daughters. It may be nothing more than the father pressing his erect penis against his daughter’s vulva while hugging her, and the daughter developing moistness about her vulva. Or when hugging he may pretend that his hand is not on her breast, and she may pretend that he is not fondling. And so it could go on. Fathers after all are the first fantasy objects of daughters. Mother and son having sexual relationships is an extension of the love they have for each other. It is not good, but it is not wrong. It would be unfair to apply a derogatory word to describe this relationship. That is why such a word does not exist in Tamil, and I am sure in many other ancient languages. Relationship within the family is common, and is not evil.”"Then you must explain why in Tamil, and I am sure in most languages bad words are all about having sex with sisters and mothers?”

“It shows that people do not approve of such relationships, but such relationships are sufficiently common for these words to be in everyday use.” “How do you know so much?”"The so called incest was the topic for my graduate thesis.” “Why don’t you tell me a case from your study.”"Happy you ask husband darling. A childhood friend of mine was an internee in the local hospital. She introduced me to the obstetrician and she gave me many cases for my study. This pregnant girl was eighteen, and unmarried. After medical termination of pregnancy I interviewed her. Her father and two brothers all three have sex with her on a regular basis. The mother knew and was supportive. I did not interview the mother but I presume she did not want her husband and sons to visit prostitutes. The men were teetotalers. All three men had stable well paying jobs. The whole family was comfortable with the arrangement. The girl did not seem to think her men were abusing her, or even using her. The doctor did what was her routine in these cases. She wasted no time moralizing. She inserted a copper T contraceptive. With that in place she would not conceive. Later before marriage if she comes to hospital the doctor would remove it. This was by no means a rare case. I interviewed three other girls who had relationships with close members of the family in the short time I was in the project.”"I am still in a state of complete bewilderment Thangam.”

“I have told you because I strongly felt I have to. You must use your superior judgment. I am feeling sleepy, darling; put me to sleep.” I lay on her back and he leaned over me and cupped my vulva with a hand. He pressed and I snuggled till the hand was in proper fit. Our eyes met. He bent down and we kissed. ‘I love you, darling,’ I said. During the early days of marriage I wanted him to press my vulva after intercourse. When he did that I used to get aftershocks to the orgasm. I slept off once of twice while he was holding and that must have set a sort of conditioned reflex. Soon it became a pleasant routine. I am Elavarasan. I am a owner of a Book shop Like Higginbothams at Anna Salai. Not a high paying job, but as I have inherited property in the form of houses and agricultural lands I am well off. I live with my widowed mother and wife in one of our houses. I was only 21 when I got married. My wife Thangam is two years younger. She is a very thoughtful girl. She is also an ardent love maker. Not many wives would be willing for sex every night, and daytime too whenever the opportunity offers. I told you she is thoughtful to the needs and concerns of those round her. A few days before she said that my widowed mother, who is only 38, needs to have outlet for her sexual desires. She discussed the subject in a round about way and finally suggested that I must have sex with her. I thought she was mad. She calmed me and then argued her case as if she was a lawyer. ‘Can you with total honesty say that you have never looked on your mother on occasions with sexual thoughts,’ she asked me, and in honesty I had to agree that she was spot on. When I was a bachelor it was with difficulty that I used to keep my mother away from my sexual fantasies. While nearing the climax of masturbation as often as not it was the nude image of my mother that would be in my mind’s eye. I used to admire her breast valley surreptitiously, and when she sat if her thighs lay partly exposed I used to admire them. One day she sat on a low stool reading a magazine. Her sari was awry and I could see a lot of her thighs. Then she suddenly changed her posture and for a while I saw her vulva for the first time. She was not aware and she held that pose for a while. I was terribly excited. I went to the bathroom as soon as the show was over and masturbated with no-hold-barred images of my mother’s vulva. A few days ago she was standing at the doorway and Through her thin sari I saw her body silhouetted against the wall opposite. The shape of her buttocks was magnificent. I was as hard as rock.My silence to Thangam’s challenge said it all. Having got me where she wanted she presented her case. She discussed about what we call incest. Yes, Thangam was right about incest. There was no word for incest in Tamil. Her reasoning is that that there are circumstances where sexual relationship between close relatives like brother and sister, father and daughter, and mother and son are acceptable. Labeling such relationships with a derogatory word may be unjust to those who perform a necessary act. She quoted an example in the bible where two daughters seduce their father in order that their tribe would not go extinct. During her college course in sociology Thangam has done fieldwork on her thesis on incest. In one of her cases an unmarried girl was having sexual relations with her father and two brothers with the knowledge of the wife and mother. Were the sons having sex with the mother? Thangam did not know. Probably they were. It amused me to note that if it were it would be a well-knit family in the complete sense of the word. And what of my neighbours Prabha and Ajit? Yes, I often have seen them on the scooter with Prabha holding her brother by the waist with her cheek pressing on his back. Once in the football ground nearby I saw Ajit teaching his sister to ride the scooter. They were pretty close, and were clearly enjoying the intimacy. Prabha would pretend to lose balance and her brother would hug her and both would laugh boisterously. I agree with Thangam that they were kissing and fondling and maybe even having sex. Why not? It was harmless fun. I am amused that my wife was able to convert my views of family intimacy with such ease. She had brought me round to a stage when I no longer viewed her suggestion with horror and abhorrence though I could not accept it.For the next two days Thangam never referred to the topic. I assumed that having had her say Thangam considered her job over. I was mistaken. Thangam had a plan. On the third day Thangam was leaving to a nearby town nearby for a family wedding. She was giving final instructions to me.”You must help Athai shampoo her hair during her oil bath tomorrow. Her shoulder pain is still there. She can’t take her hand to her head.” Mother back was turned and Thangam smirked and winked a prodigious wink that could mean only one thing.

I am Sumathi, Elavarasan’s mother. I was 35 years old when my husband died after a three-day illness. I now live with Elavarasan, my only child, and his wife. My daughter-in-law Thangam is a gift from heaven. I am sex starved. My husband was very active sexually. When were young we used to have sex every day. After he crossed 35 we used to have it at least twice a week. The day before his hospital admission for his last illness we had sex. He was in fact very vigorous that day. Now for three years I am suffering abstinence. Every night my son and his wife drive me to bursting point. Like his father he has it every night. My keen ears can hear the rhythmic creaking of the cot, and following that the sound of water sluicing in their bathroom. From the way water splashes I can say whether it is my son or Thangam who is washing. ‘Is he washing her?’ i’ll ask myself and this thought racks my body with desire for my husband always insisted on washing me and after that I washed him. His hands were as soft as rose petals, and his touch on my vulva was a delightful experience.

I have another problem, and that is very serious indeed. The object of my fantasies is my son. I know it is satanic but I cannot help it. No, I do not want to think of any other man. That would make me a slut in my estimation. I have tried various ways of getting out of this infatuation. I tried to involve myself in religion. I attend all forms of religious discourses. Nothing helps. Once the preacher, a holy man clad in saffron gown whose ashram is in the Himalayan foothills, spoke of my problem. I wondered how he could know my case history. Apparently what I am suffering from is the norm for young widows in India. He said that because Hindu religion prohibits widow remarriage sashtras allow widows to have discreet relationships with close members of the family. He said that narrow-minded men who dominate our society have not only not allowed women to make use of this liberal provision in the sashtras, but have also prevented its very existence from being known. I wanted to ask him if close relations include the son, but with my friends surrounding me there was no way I could approach him during the question session. The only way I could cool the heat to some extent is by some discreet exhibitionisms. I will put on a thin low-necked blouse and allow Munthani or Pallu to fall off when my son was about. At times I will go round my chores with a thin sari and no skirt on. I could see my son watching me with excitement. Once I was on a low stool reading a magazine. My sari was awry exposing my thighs. I allowed more and more of my thighs to get exposed. Elavarasan was watching and I, while pretending to set my sari right, moved my thighs in such a way that I exposed my vulva for my son to see. I held the posture for a while pretending to be engrossed in my reading. I hope my son feasted on the sight. He must have for I could see a bulge of sexual arousal. As the months went past I was convinced that it was my fate to lead the life of abstinence. I was mistaken.

One weekend my daughter-in-law went on one of her rare visits to the house of a relative in Kanyakumari at the very tip of the Indian peninsula. She was to be away for three days. Saturday was my oil bath day. As I had shoulder stiffness Thangam always shampooed me during my oil bath. She requested her husband to do that for me in her absence. But first a few words about this ritual that is practised all over Southern India. Sesame oil is rubbed on the scalp and allowed to soak in for an hour or more. In the bath that follows the oil has to be washed away using shampoo. Oil baths are refreshing. The problem is that one has to work vigorously on the scalp to get the best results. I confess that though my son would only be shampooing me I was excited at the prospect. The reason for my excitement was this: When Thangam does the shampooing I would be nude, which amongst women is natural. Would that be possible with my son? I would love to sit nude as he works on my head, but would I have the courage to do so? These thoughts kept me sleepless. It was Saturday morning. The events of that day are unforgettable. I served him dosai, a very popular crispy dish, with coconut chutney just the way he liked it. His usual dose is two dosais, but that day he had three. After clearing the table I took an ounce of sesame oil and applied it to the top of my head and rubbed it in. One has to allow the oil to soak in for an hour or more. I went about my chores as if noting special was to happen. My heart however was thudding.

I arranged the low stool to sit on. I placed soap and shampoo on another stool. I closed the bathroom door but did not latch it. In the event the decision of whether to be in the nude or not presented no problem at all. This was a chance. I would be doing myself an injustice if I do not grasp it. I undressed to nudity and crouched on the stool. I asked Elavarasan who was outside to come in. I sat with eyes closed, in shame probably. I heard the door open and then close. Was my son surprised to see me in the nude? Was he excited to see me that way? I do not know. I could hear him open the shampoo bottle. He poured some on my head and started shampooing. He worked from behind me. He did it well. Now he had to come to the front to turn on the shower. He did it. How much of me did he see while he was in front? I do not know, but that did not diminish by one bit the thrill coursing down my spine. I was now in a frenzy to show my body to my son. “Open the shower more fully and do my back.” I said. I sat up with hands by the side and opened out my thighs. If my son turns in my direction he cannot fail to see my breasts and vulva. Elavarasan started with the back of my neck, and then the sides of the neck. He was not soaping me; he was caressing me. He did the front of the neck and as he rubbed under my jaw and chin I had to bend my neck backwards. I opened my eyes for the first time. We made eye contact, and I read desire in his eyes. He was bare crested with a towel round his waist, and he was making unsuccessful efforts to hide his erection. He was clearly as excited as I was. Whatever inhibition remained now evaporated.”

You need not have to hide behind my back,” I said. He came round. “It is quite natural to have an erection when in front of a naked woman even though it is the mother.” So saying I gently removed the towel round his waist. He was twisting and squirming. I cut it short by taking a grip of his penis, and I say to my great pride that it was very large. “I have held it many times before,” I said. “Now bathe me.” So saying I stood up. Elavarasan by now had recovered his aplomb. He stood in front erect penis and all and soaped my shoulders and arms, and then he soaped my breasts. He did a thorough job of kneading it and plucking at the nipples. He looked up. Our eyes met and we hugged. The shower was on and our wet bodies rubbing against each other under the shower was an indescribable feeling. I thrust my pelvis forwards, and he, with a hand on each of my buttocks pressed against me. I felt his penis touching my vulva. We held tight and kissed passionately on the lips. “My own precious darling,” I said.He did my abdomen and thighs. I had to sit down in readiness for the key event. He sat by my side on another stool. He soaped my lower abdomen and then my thighs. I had to take the lead. Leaning on him I held his hand and placed it on my vulva. His palm was on my vulva. It was as soft as silk. He applied soap and rubbed. His middle finger was at times in my vagina and his rose petal soft index was stimulating every sensitive point in and around the clitoris with precision. I spread my thighs as far as they would go, and my feet were up in the air gently waving in my excitement. He worked with a deftness of touch that defies description. He brought me to the brink of orgasm. “Take me to the bed, darling,” I said. I was feeling were weak at the knees. He held me and gently took me out of the bathroom, both of us dripping wet, down the passage to my bed. I lay on my back. He came on top of me, and I held his penis and inserted. Mother inserting son’s penis into her vagina must be an emotional event. It was not. To me at that moment it was the most natural thing to do. From his reaction Elavarasan could not have felt It differently. He gave me a massive orgasm, my first in over three years. We lay side-by-side hugging Each other. I felt his wet hair.”Get up Elavarasan and wipe your hair. You may catch cold,” I said. He found this funny and laughed. I wiped his hair, and he wiped mine. We went to the bathroom and washed. I felt his soft hands once again on my vulva. I washed his penis. With pride I noted that his penis was already turgid. “Dress up. I must serve you lunch.” I wrapped a thin sari round me and served him lunch. He asked me to eat too. I sat by his side and ate. After lunch I cleared the table. Elavarasan sat sipping buttermilk. He asked for water. I had to go to the fridge to get ice-cold water he always likes. He caught the Munthani of my sari.”Let me go,” I said.”Am I holding you?” he said smiling mischievously. I understood. I had to turn round and round to unwind the sari as I moved away. After two turns I was one layer away from nakedness. There was still more than a meter to go. Elavarasan tugged at the sari. I allowed it to go. He drew it up, folded it and sat on it, a grim smile on his face. I filled a tumbler and I walked back carrying it now quite naked. “Get on with your work mother,” he said. To humor him I went about my chores. After a few moments I found it quite thrilling going about the house with no clothes on under the exciting gaze of my son. I wish my husband and I had known of these games when we were young. I was arranging the vessels in the shelf when he cupped my breasts from behind and said ‘guess who?’ I laughed. Elavarasan embraced me from behind with one arm that went all the way round the chest to cup one breast. The other hand cupped my vulva. I turned my head around, and we kissed on the lips. In that posture we moved slowly step by step to the bed.”I want to suckle you mother,” he said. I was as eager to nurse him as he was to suckle. I sat cross-legged as Elavarasan rested his head on my lap and suckled. My hand was stroking his erect penis.”You certainly were not holding my penis then.”"Some times I did that.”"It could not have been erect.”"More often than not it was erect in its own tiny way.”"Am I sucking as well as I did as a baby?” he asked.

“Then your mouth was small and you were toothless. You used to take in as much as you can into your mouth and munch like a toothless man eating banana. You were a greedy fellow. You would hold on till you became breathless and then let go and gasp for breath. Then you would search for the fountainhead waving your arms frantically. I would nudge you towards the nipple, and you would grasp it with your lips with both hands holding the breast just as you are doing now. I never had to tap your back for burping. When I lifted you up after a session you would burp like a beer drinker. The noise used to startle you, and then you would smile broadly.” The recollection of that smile made me feel extremely tender towards him. I held his head with both hands as he bit my nipple with teeth covered by lips. Though it was a two decades ago that I last suckled I can say with assurance that the sensation he produced now, though pleasant, is very different from what I felt while nursing him. Suddenly every bite produced a thrill. I was chirping with pleasure. I shifted him to the other nipple and again I chirped. Suddenly the nipples lost all sensation. Instead my vulva became hot. I pushed his head down. He slid down. Resting on his elbows, with hands on cheeks, he crouched with his face close to my vulva. He was examining my vulva with intense concentration.”Remember it?” I said. He chuckled.”I must have been very tiny to negotiate this passage,” he said. It was my turn to chuckle.”Six pounds and eleven ounces,” I said. I was pouring secretions that he dutifully licked clean.

“It’s lovely,” he said. And then spreading my inner labia he went for the clitoris. He did it expertly. Soon my buttocks were heaving up and down, and up and down. He stopped. I almost feared he was giving up when he recommenced in slow swipes. I cascaded in orgasm of an intensity I had never experienced before. “Come up I can’t wait,” I said. He came up. I held his throbbing penis and inserted it for the second time. We had it in unison, and then he gave me two more. He rolled over and then did a trick that was new to me. With his hand he cupped my vulva and pressed. That gave me several mini shocks. We then rested in each other’s arms.We had in once in the evening and again late at night. I had orgasms every time.Darling,” I said, “you have cooled all the heat that had built up these three years. I will tell you when I need you again. It would not be in the near future. You must promise me that you would never make the approach.” He promised. He always keeps his promises.”What would Thangam say when she gets to know?” I said mostly to myself.”She would understand,” he said. “She says that the sashtras of our religion that does not permit widow remarriage allow a lot of liberties to young widows to unite with close family members.” My son and his wife must have certainly discussed my needs, but did they plan this encounter? Probably not. The fact that had talked about it gave me assurance, but I continued to be apprehensive of how I would react when I meet Thangam the next day. Thankfully Elavarasan would be in his office.

Thangam:During the return journey by bus my thoughts were all on what had or had not happened during my absence between mother and son. As I stepped in my mother-in-law came out from a side room, and our eyes met. Her face lighted up in her happiness on seeing me. Then a strange transformation took place. Her eyes opened wide, and an unmistakable look of guilt took over. She averted her gaze. I went up to her and hugged her.”Athai,” I said. She sobbed bitterly. “There is nothing to cry about Athai darling. Your son did his duty to his young widowed mother as prescribed in the sashtras. Don’t cry. God has rewarded your son for his sense of duty. You are going to be a grandmother soon.” She looked up. Her tear stained face broadened in a beatific smile.”True?”"Of course it is true.” She hugged me, but suddenly she let go of me and rushed into the puja room and came back almost immediately brandishing a pinch of kumkum. She applied it to my forehead. She then hugged me and into my ear she spoke the most beautiful words a woman can ever hope to hear.”I prayed for a good girl for my son, but the Almighty gave me a goddess.” You want this Goddess Thangam at any time or her mother in law Sumathi.

Sunday 9 March 2014

The Typical South Indian Family Incest

I am swaroop, 19 years old from the southern part of india…here I am going to post a story revolving around me, yeah , the story involving the members of my family…It is always said that INCEST is sin. In India it is uncommon to hear a word like Incest. especially in southern part of India you will not be able to understand the real meaning of it. Intimacy in the family is very low and you couldn’t touch the opposite gender in blood relations even in good intentions..but I discovered that my family is a complete different one which I am going to discuss in the story below…

My family consists of 7 members including me. They are my grandpa and grandma then comes my dad and mom and three siblings-elder brother and sister and finally swaroop,that’s me. We are basically a typical south Indian family outside but completely different inside..We own a huge land mass in our village we live…we had 2 servants’ in home and six in field..Our village had a total of 500 people and we are the only family of our community..Most of them don’t like us because of our community. they only because of the money and power we had..there also happened an other incident involving the village members which i will discuss in an other story.The complete description of my family

1.Mr.Ahilan,dad,49 years old and working in a private concern. He is plump and gained overweight due to his sitting job in his office. He is 5.8 feet high and has a lund size of 5.5 inches as average men in India usually have.

2.Mrs.Rekha,mom,46 years old and is a beautician turned home maker . she is 5.6 ft tall and maintained her size in a great manner. She has the sexy body I have ever seen ,she is a perfect women created by god. revealing her sizes 36DD-32-38..the most perfect size for women, I ll worship her like a goddess, she usually wears saree and at times salwar-kameez and in home she usually wears transparent nightees without any inner ware. I have seen her boobs hanging when she bents down to take anything. if I was in my dad’s position I would not leave her for a fraction of second without fucker.

3.thiagi, brother,24 years old athlete completed his graduation and searching for a job, he is 6 ft tall well built body and any teen girl will die for him.. he has the cock size of 6.5 inches and a man of desires.

4.Janane , 5.5ft , 22 yrs old, another sex goddess in my family and has a perfect figure 32D-28-36. She usually wears modern dresses and a care free sexually exploited girl..At home she wears only tight t-shirts and shorts without any bra as like mom, she had mom’s genes completely in her .she had a firm boobs and firm ass… at younger age we usually go to school by bus, and many boys of her class will tease her but she didn’t care about them..they would tell her as slut, whore, daughter of bitch, father fucker, brother fucker, call girl, once they said her to come to their room with my mom and granny for fun..she didn’t take that to her mind, I was surprised and it continued till we completed school. They also trapped me and asked me to steal inner wears of the women in my family and give it to them, I refused first but they threatened me and I finally brought them…they masturbated on it completely and made me to cum on it.. they said me to take the pictures of them when they are nude, This increased my sexual intentions and I too tried but I failed, I gave them only the sexy images I could take… looks like aletta ocean . Coming to the point I found out that my sister is a complete bitch..

5.Swaroop, yeah it is me 19 years old, completed hsc, 5.6 ft tall and had a meat down there for 6 inches. I am a guy who is lovable to fuck any women with sexual desires and I am a little bit bisexual .My policy is that Don’t touch a women if she neglects you and don’t leave a women if she needs you.

6.Lt.Raman,rtd military man, my grand father, he is 7 ft tall,8 incher between his legs, well built body even at the age of 73, he is the most strict man in the family and had a very strange habit of getting any women in the bed when he loved them..on my conscience he had over 30 women in the past 10 years irrespective of the age of the grandma will not take his strange habits to her mind, I am too surprised, and finally now he started her love towards my mom and sis.

7. Panchali raman, my granny, 69 years old 5.6 ft tall and having measurements of 38F-34-42.. I am too shocked by her sizes, her boobs were like melons and ass which is too big for a lady…I hope there would be a story behind those massive assets

Now, I am going to discuss the story which happened few days before,

I completed my exams and my incest beast which was waked by my sister’s boy friends made me rush to my house and I decided to spend my 2 month vacation completely with my slut mom, bitch sister and fuckable granny. On my way to home I saw my sister was going with her boy friends in a car in most revealing dresses.I went to home hurriedly, and it was locked in front ani I know that my grand parents will be sleeping, I slowly climbed the pipe and went to first floor and peeped into my mom’s room, she was lying naked in the bed on her back, I could see her with a dildo..Oh my god, she is masturbating, women who gave birth to 3 children 20b years ago is still masturbating, I could not explain her sexual desires even at the age of 46, at afternoon, what a women she is,

At that moment she was murmuring some name…..i observed keenly, and she was murmuring, “yesss mohan, cum on increase your strength it is a great pleasure fucking with you, fuck all my holes up, take me as your bitch, take me to your place and fuck me up, get your servents lund in my cunt, cover me up with your cum, Fuck me in front of my hubby,my father in law and my sons, they are showing no interest in me..cum on fuck me up you fucker” without knowing I un zipped my pants and started masturbating by seeing my mom and I moved my foreskin up and down vigorously and she was cumming over there and I was about to cum, suddenly a hand touched my shoulders and it was my grandpa and I was shocked and cummed my juices on his feet and he smiled but I was most awkward at that moment.

He took me to his room and explained my granny about that incident and she consoled that there is no wrong in it…she then unzipped my my pants and took my cock out the she took it in her mouth and cleaned all the pre cum and said you have a tastier cum..but not a big cock. She turned to her husband and asked him why don’t you help your grand son..he winked and removed his lungi and made me to kneel down and he took his cock out…yess it is a monster, without knowing I started to suck his cock then grandma came below me and started to suck my cock …I was sucking it like there is no tomorrow and it went deep inside my throat and I found that I was a bisexual and both of cummed at synchronism.

Then we sat on bed and started chatting nude…Me:how did you got those assets?

GrandMa: all because of grand pa
Me: will he fuck you every day?
Grandma: not him.. he ll make to be get fucked by his superiors for his promotions.
Me: how many of them have you fucked in your life time?
Grandma: mmm..nearly 80 men..some gave me money too.
Me: are you a pro?
Grandma: ha ha…you got it boy..i was on that business before marrying your grand pa….
Me: how did you marry him then?

Grandma: He was my regular customer and I got addicted to his cock, and continuing my profession after marriage for his promotions..
Me: Oh my god…What to do with mom’s intentions? Do you think it is right?
Grandma: yeah its normal for a women to fall in sexual desires with other men..even brother, uncle father , in laws and son….
Me: have you got any desires in my father?
Grandma: yes I had but he was little reluctant and I left it…but I still want to get fucked by him
Me: Oh…Will I be able to fuck my mom..

Grandma: Oh sure, we came to know that your mom rekha is a bitch.
Me: then how can I, any ideas?
Grandma: ask your grand pa he got a masters in it.
Grandpa: did u hear the name mohan which is been murmured by your mom?
Me: yes, he is a friend of dad, is a cook and doing hotel business in a nearby town.
Grandpa: well, I got an idea, we have to make rekha to stay with mohan for a week, and he ll surely fuck your bitch too accompany her and take the video then we would show to your dad and he ll automatically make her to be fucked.

Me: I have a doubt, how to convince dad to make mom to stay with him?
Grandpa: we would complain about her cooking styles and he would automatically send her to him and you will accompany with the cam.
Me: great plan grandpa,Grandma: okay we 5 ll get engaged and how to engage janane and thiyagi into it?
Grandpa: don’t worry janane is a complete slut like you, once I saw in her mobile containing nude pictures of her with her boyfriends and college lectures.
Me: yes grand pa…I too heard a news that she got laid with 5 of her professors for her university marks…
Grandma: like grand mother like grand daughter…what about thiyagi?

Grandpa: He is too much interested in sex than swaroop..he would only see incest and group sex porn’s in net ….so no problem with him..
Grandma: (Winking) shall we have a session swaroop?

I stood up and came near grand ma and kissed all over her body, then I removed her saree followed by blouse and petticoat, she was not wearing any inners and so she was nude…then we started fucking with great pleasure and saw my grandpa stood up came near us and lifted us and inserted his lund in grannys gaand(ass) , while mine was in her pussy, we were rhythmically fucking her in her holes and her massive boobs were swinging in air actually it was a heaven for all sex lovers and she was enjoying two different cocks at the same time, few minutes after and we changed positions and it was 5 now…then we settled up to our snacks time and we went down for snacks, mom greeted us asked me when did I reach and was the exams? I was not in a position to say when I reached to my slut mom. i said that I reached now and was speaking to grandparents about the exams. And both granny’s winked at me.

Few minutes after dad, sis and bro reached home and went on normal talks and dispersed to our rooms. I and my brother went to granny room there we spoke about the plan and convinced by brother and we had the following conversation

Grandpa: okay thiyagi, we have to convince your father to take part in the act without him, the act is not fulfilled, it is not easy to say him that let we join in sex because he is bit conservative. He has the sex glories inside sleeping, we should wake it up by showing how his wife and daughter are sluts of other men and make them to be only our sluts
Grandma: hey, don’t leave me , pl show my son that I too a slut along with rekha and janane , I have to attain the fulfillment of my sex life.

Me: Great idea granny, all slutty bitches surrender in the family, your idea is rocking
Thiyagi: yes brother I too love it, so what should I do?
Grandpa: swaroop will take care of the proof that to show ahilan that rekha is a bitch to mohan..and your job is to collect all info about janane’s sex secrets and give me a cam I ll take my wife to fields and make her to get fucked by servents and record it…hope so only swaroop’s job is difficult

Me: I ll take care of it granny…let v move to dining table and move as per our plan.
We went to dining table and completed our dinner, then my grandpa said dad that rekha has to improve her cooking skills so as to keep our lives healthyDad: so father what we could do to improve her cooking skiils, can my mom teach it?
Grandpa: no son, she has to get trained by a professional. Do u know anyone:
Dad: yes dad , mohan is a good cook,we can send her to him for practice.
(we all got satisfied in our hearts and moms’s face was blushing out of enjoyment )

Grandpa: let u send her for a week and swaroop will accompany her.
(mom was little bit upset)
Dad: what say u rekha and swaroop?
Mom: (a bitch speaking as if she is true to her hubby) if that is your wish I ll do it for you.
Me: okay dad, I ll accompany and I ll be a silent observer.(mom unknowing my intentions)

Next day we started to mohan’s place and he received us, he was a divorced man and they started to cook different kinds of dishes and all of it contained sexually stimulating agents like cashew nuts, dates etc. oh I forgot to describe my mom on that condition , she was wearing a loose transparent saree and low cut blouse revealing her boobs and low hip revealing her navel and was constantly touching his bare chest and shoulders and his lund unintentionally , he also got courage touched her boobs,ass pinched her waist and lips.then at night we had dinner and I and mom slept in same room, by 1 am I woke up and I found mom was absent and I searched her I couldn’t , I know he ll be with him so I came to understand that I can’t take the sex show live and I planned to buy spy cams from market, morning I didn’t ask mom because they due to fear they might not do tonight. I rushed to market and brought some spy cams and I fitted it all over the house and 5 of them in their bedroom . I copied them to my system and my jaw hanged by seeing the incident.

The scene was like in a movie. Pure white bed sheet and pillow covers, fruits and sweets placed on the side table. Mom came in, dressed to kill, dressed in half white pure silk sari with pink jaree border, matching blouse, her hair done into a single plait, jasmine lengths adorning her plait. She was Sex Goddess.

He hugged her. Kissed her all over her face. And then kissed on her lips. It was long drawn exhaustive and exhausting kiss. he led her to the bed, laid sown, his head on her lap, she removed her bra and blouse and thrust her big hard nipples into his mouth and is sucked. Taking his hard erect cock into her hands, she said, “mohan, your cock is so big .As big as horse’s r donkeys. That night, it was a meeting of two souls into one, trying to achieve oneness. Uniting with each other. Exploring each other. Two bodies trying to become one. Again again and again.Finally they slept naked in each other’s arms.

They continued to fuck each other day and night, cooking, eating fucking sleeping; they fucked in the bath room, in the kitchen, in the hall, in the bed room. And on the terrace during night. No one suspected or could suspect because she was at training. I recorded them all and edited to a complete version

I thanked mohan for his time spent with us and mom thanked him for the fucking time and we reached home. Meanwhile grandpa took the video of grand ma and brother took the evidences of my sis.

On one auspicious day, as we planned we started executing them one by one. We took dad to to grandpa’s room and showed all the evidences we had

Dad: why these women are cheating dad?
Grandpa: son, we are giving them ultimate freedom to do what they wish.
Me: (acting)dad, mohan uncle said we can’t cheat ahilan but mom said he is a dumb asshole and doesn’t act like man…dad, you have to become a man to punish slutty mom.
Thiyagi: yes dad, we have punish sis and granny for their mistakes, teach them we are mens
Grandpa: son, what’s your plan?
Dad: mmm, so let we fuck those bitches to hell, let we show them who we are..
Me, thiyagi, grandpa: yes, we show them let we march behind ahilan.

We went to downstairs and all the women were there seeing TV and dad said me to play granny’s video and he asked all the women in one sofa and men in other. Video started playing and all the women were stunned.(granny acted)

Dad: what shall we do now, mom you being the older women of the family and acted so cheap?
Mom: why mother-in-law you spoiled our family tradition?
Sis: shit, how could you be a fucking whore like this?
Granny stood side of the room, next I went and changed the CD and it was now mom’s turn, she was caught red-handed and unable to speak , she was stammered to see dad’s face then she saw me with anger and I smiled.
Dad: say me rekha, did you learn cooking or fucking? Cheap slut.
Grandma: so, rekha didn’t spoil our family tradition right.

Sis: I am dishonored to say that I am your daughter.
mom stood side of the room , next I went and changed the CD and it was now janane’s turn, it was photos of her with her professors performing sex. She was blushing.
Dad: janane, the younger slut of the family right?
Sis: no dad, there is something wrong with the files.
Dad: it was taken from your mobile bitch.
Grandma: fuck, how could you say that I am wrong.
Mom: you, perfect family whore sis stood side of the room, dad said them to remove all their dresses and become nude in front of us..all of them did at ordered grandpa and thiyagi to take over janane, and I to take over mom and he ll take over panchali ,the true slut to the shower.

During the fucking session we fucked the women of our family in all possible ways we can..

Mom was first angry with me but as soon as I started she enjoyed my fucking and said your video job has changed my life and suddenly she screamed to our surprise grandfather fired his lund into mom’s ass hole it was so big, she started crying with two lunds on her 2 holes she was screaming ” fuck me like a bitch, en pudaiyayun poochaiyum nall ookungda thaiyoligala, naan unga thevudiya da yen kama yeriya nalla yethi ookungada (fuck my ass and pussy like a motherfucker , I am your bitch , increase my slutty nature by your fuck men)thiagi came leaving sis then we changed positions, “Ohhh….Ahhhhhh… You have made me so happy today. You all have quenched my hunger for sex. Aaaahhh. My pussy is so wet. Fuck me thiyagi, give your cock to me.”

Still my father Cupping herround plump cheeks, massaging them with his palms, rubbing and kneading it. He could hear his mother’s low moans immediately of touching her there with his bare hands. Her back heaving from heavy breathing. The shower water splashing him from it hitting the top of her head with her looking down in the feeling of pleasure of having a set of young hands of a man on her body saying”OH FUCK MUM I’M CUMMING DOWN YOUR THROAT!!!!”, likewise my bro and sis , then we tried out different positions and swapped partners and more sex games and sessions and it continued for 24 hours . we also did gay fuck with dad and grandpa. And I saw few lesbian acts and complete submission of the women to the men in the family

Dad also regulated few rules and regulations to those slutty women

1. They should not wear any dresses in home, if violated they should suck our lund.
2. They should have to come and get laid if they are asked if violated punishments will be severe.
3. They can have sex with outside persons only on our permission, and should return with a lump some amount of money.
4. The bathrooms and bedrooms should not be locked
5. They should ask our permission to pee.
6. At least they should have sex with one person daily.
7. They should bath the men in the family.
8. Complete submission should be executed

Aunt Jaya and Her Daughter

Hi I’m a regular reader of ISS. I like this site very much .This is story of mine where I fuck my busty aunty and her daughter. I’m Shyam living in b’lore and doing my BBM in a reputed college. My aunt’s name is Jaya. I never felt anything wrong about my aunt in the starting. But one day when she was working in kitchen her saree got fire n when she was in panic she removed her pallu in a hurry. That was the first scene where a got glance of her boobs with blouse. It was awesome. Guys I bet u will cum surely seeing her boobs uhh. It was like Mt. Everest saying about her figure I think her boobs must b at least 44 hips 38 and butt 38.she always wore sarees then I would masturbate thinking of her daily at least two times.

I took the glances of her boobs, thighs when she rolled chapattis sitting in the floor and when she use to clean the house I was moving very closely to her in the days following that day. She was suspicious about that. Her husband was a drunkard. So I was sure my aunt can’t have a good sex life with him, I was eager to satisfy her but was very very afraid. I and my aunt were alone in the house. So I made a plan to seduce her. I was sitting in the sofa and aunt was very depressed and she hugged me tightly saying she missed her little girl .what a moment it was .a sex goddess hugging me. I touched her waist n continued my acting. But my plan could not work as the courier man came and my aunt went to collect the post. I was very upset n switched on the TV. The song arjuna (Tamil song)was aired in which the heroine was in a falls with skimp clothes and my cock shouted up seeing it i was the sexiest song I ever saw.

I was rubbing my cock as my aunt was talking with courier man I was totally hot seeing that song. I was totally enjoying it when one hand touched me from back. I turned oh it’s my aunt what’s this shyam asked my aunt. I was not talking a word n kept silent; I didn’t expect this from u said she n went was very anger n even refused to eat the dinner. At night 10 o clock the current went off I was very afraid n slowly moved to my aunt in kitchen aunty there’s no current I’m afraid I said. What to do she shouted (she was in anger) I started crying.She felt sorry and said to go n sleep in her bed room so that she will accompany me. I said ok n went to bed n she followed.

I turned the other side n slept after some time I woke up because as here was no fan (no current) I could not sleep properly turned the other side n saw my aunt was sleeping. Suddenly the current came n the fan was switched on. As my aunt was using thin blank ether blanket moved. I was shocked. She was sleeping with bra n panty. (As it was very hot there because of power failure) my cock went to the extreme’s woke up aunty n said her to switch on the air conditioner she worked up n said that it was not working I said that I could see because it was very hot in that room. She sad me to sleep with my underwear. So I removed my dress. I was wearing the undoes which exposed my cock clearly. she saw that n asked me the reason’s said that the reason was her. She smiled. I said that she was perfect women for all man i added that her belly button is sexy. I asked her that I used to give my mom kisses at night and said that can I give her.

She agreed and said to kiss on cheek I went near to her n fast caught her n gave her a lip to lip. I thought she would b anger but she smiled and looking at my 5 incher. I said that some insect was there on my undies n removed it (it was a lie) .she saw my brother which was standing n saluting her. She was amazed. She said it was bigger than your uncle’s. She smiled at me again. I said that it was not a joke and added that it would rise even higher if she showed her boobs n pussy. I asked her to touch it she did it n the cock still rose higher. As she was touching my tool I removed her bra n saw the biggest mountain in my life twice the size of all other girls who believe that they have big boobs i said aunt you’re the best boob lady.
I was massaging her tits like chapatti mould.

After hours of boob massaging I opened up her panty oh it was a forest no it was a sex goddess pussy it was the densest bush I have seen I said that how could she maintain a tight pussy till now she said that my uncle was waste n has never fucked in the last 4 yrs. oh it was a long time my aunt said. I said yeah but after a long fasting she was going to have a special meal that’s me ha ha ha! I licked her pussy n fingering it 4 an hour. My aunt was at her peek at was going to cum. I teased her with my brother n inserted it to the heaven slowly moving up n down slowly but surely…My aunt said c’mon bitch fuck me she was crying n dying for me to cum .but I was very slowly enjoying her pussy. I finally gave her a deep thrust ahhhh mm oooo iiiiiiiii bitch shyaaa I’m a slut she shouted. I was at a speed of an express train on her n fucked her till all my energy went to her.

My cock in her pussy hands in her boobs after 2 hrs of fucking I felt tired.My aunt said that she can’t have better sex than this I again got up n tried again but I can’t. Her pussy was over flown because of my cum. I turned up her n was eating her ass. After that v had a nice sleep. The next day I woke up at 11 am and was tired and I found my aunt working in the kitchen. I said her good morning with a naughty smile. How was the night sleep she asked? I was totally tired I said. She gave me the coffee after I drank that I went to toilet. I came back after 10 minutes and my aunty was cutting vegetables.

I went near to her n jus pressed her butt from behind. I said that she should be naughtier as she was the sex queen of the guys in her area. She asked how to I said that seduce the post or repair man or even a strangers in a bus. She said that she want to go to market. So we went to bus stop after a long time a bus came which was also very rush’s struggled to get in and I was standing in the steps allowing her to go inside. She went n stood inside. As the bus was very rush she was standing close to an old man. I saw the lust in the eyes of the old man seeing my aunt that close. He was first afraid that my aunt will scold he was silent. As time went the bus was fully packed n my aunt was very close to that old man. He slowly kept his hands on her butt and acted ad doing it accidently.

He was cupping my aunt ass n slowly pressed itahhh my aunt whispered. He used his two hands and tried to cover her butt n was pressing it slowly. He was trying to get into the crack and succeeded it after a long time. He was enjoying the crack. Then he slowly went little up to front side. He kept the hand near her stomach. Wow what a scene I thought. He was slowly pressing her stomach. He then went inside the pallu of the sari n reaching the awesome mountain. Yes he slowly reached there n gave a hard press. Oh my aunt reacted. She was enjoying. One of his hands in her butt n other inside her pallu. He slowly removed the bottom button n went inside the blouse n he was pressing the boobs(no bra).no one was noticing it as the bus was rush. He reached the long black nipples n was teasing it. My aunt turned to his side; he could see an old man doing all the tricks.

As the driver put a sudden bra he fell on my aunt (resting on her boobs) he suddenly caught her wet pussy with the sari. He caught hold of it and crushed it with hands as if a plastic bottle. I signaled aunt that the stop came. She has to come down after arranging her dresses. I called my aunt “how was it”. She said what “nothing happened shyam”.I said “I’ve seen everything”. He gave me a naughty smile and said he was very hot by the action of the old man. I took here to the go down where there is no one as the stock of vegetables didn’t come.
There were only tomatoes. I pushed her into that n jumped on her. I was eager to her a tomato (my aunt) in a tomato bed. I slept above her n lifted her saree. The panty was already wet I just adjusted the panty (didn’t remove it) so that I can fuck her. I could get a grip (as vs were lying in tomato) so that I can have her. She quickly removed her blouse. I caught the boobs.ahhh awesome

Inserted my cock into her wet pussy. She said that she doesn’t want pussy fucking as she was tired .So I removed my cock from there inserted it between her boobs while I was tickling her wet pussy. Her boob was very big so that my nine inches cock was invisible inside that. After 10 shakes I started to cum on her boobs. She took it in her mouth (4 the first time in her life she’s sucking a cock).my cock went till her throat. She went off in few minutes. I was sucking her boobs by then. We finished one hour of all nasty things like spread tomato juice on her ass n licking. Licking my cum and other sort of things. We took a taxi n went home. When we came back we saw uncle n her daughter back home. Hay shreya I said.hai she replied

She was pregnant .ha-ha pregnant ladies are always beautiful I thought n smiled She was wearing a tight sari with tight blouse which made her look sexier. Uncle n aunt was getting ready to go to a function as shreya couldn’t go I stayed there 4 her company. After my aunt n uncle left I was cracking jokes n chatting with shreya. I was sitting next to her n cracking jokes n took the privilege of seeing her cleavage when she is bending. I also touched her thigh as if I’m doing in accidentally. Slowly I put my hand on her shoulder while chatting to her n said that she was looking sexier than ever. She gave me a lovely smile. I said that during preggy days she should wear loose fittings than these dresses. I said that this saree is tight n also the blouse is tight n pointed my hands to her boobs n said” see here it’s so tight. “She said that it was taken long ago. I said that u can loosen it up.

So she removed one button of the blouse and I caught her side of stomach n sad that she is having folds there n need to exercise to look slim. I asked her to bend n stretch slowly as it is good 4 healths. She did that n I was enjoying her curves. While she was doing it her saree pallu fell down and my pressure got up. I could see here big stomach with the sexier navel in between. Great sight. I said that she has big area fort storing milks. She couldn’t understand it. I slowly touches her boobs n said her to release them from tight blouse .first she refused then I said that she will get disease if it is too tight bla blabs aa that stuff. She slowly loosed her blouse. She was not wearing a bra ah I could see the glimpse of her boobs. I slowly circled her boobs n gave it a light press.”Ahhhh” she said.Hmmm again I did.

She told me to take my hand I said that massaging boobs will yield more milk. I slowly removed the blouse. Ahhhhh awesome great! I’m seeing a boob of a lady second time in a day. I began to press it n fuck it with my hands. I slowly removed her up skirt .O gr8 I said made her to lie on the sofa n I slept above her and was licking her boobs By the time her hands was on my cock. Oh u wants it I asked. She was silent laughed at her n removed it. She saw my tool n I saw the lust in her. She wants cock more cock. I slowly licked her body n moving down n removed her panty with my mouth. Oh a pregnant lady is lying nude in front of me. Oh I was lucky I thought. She had boob fuck 4 sum time n by the time my cock was at 90 degree.

I inserted it a gave her deep thrust n this time I was more arrogant than b4 she was crying in pain but I was continuing it. She begged to leave me but I was not listening. This time I shouted bad words. Slutttt fuck oooo slut your slut bitch whore…I stopped a moment n turned her to fuck her in ass. I enjoyed this a lot cause I love fucking asses. Her ass was so tight it squeezed my cock and began milking it. Ooo it was great inserting my chilly between two tomatoes. I was coming Ahh second time in a day. This time I put the cum inside her ass .after fucking I was tired I left 4 sleep. And I was fucking both my aunt n her daughter time to time and had a great time.

Mom and Daughter