Tuesday 3 June 2014

Heena transformed to slutty woman by husband

Heena transformed to slutty woman by husband

I am 38 years old, married for 20 years now. I have an 18-year-old daughter. My husband is a 44-year-old General manager in a private firm in a town in India. I too work in a bank as a clerk just to pass time, as I do not like to stay at home. Due to regular aerobics at the gym I have a good body. I have a 34C bust, a 28 waist and a perfectly round 36 ass.

The incident I want to narrate happened about 4 years back. We had moved to the town only some 6 months back from the firm's Bombay office. We, being from Bombay, understood only a little of the local language, but could not speak it properly. Our house was a good 20-25 minutes from our offices. Being new in the city, my husband always used to send the car along with the driver to drop and receive me from my office. Being an inspection officer my husband used to travel a lot within the state. During those days I used to travel by auto-rickshaw (A 3- wheeler cab). My daughter who was 14 then, went to school with her friend in her car. It was Christmas Eve. My daughter, Kim, had gone to Bombay to my parents' place as her school was closed. My husband had to go to another town about 200 kilometers away for an inspection. So I had to travel by auto-rickshaw.

It was around closing time in the office when I got the news that the auto-rickshaw union had gone on a sudden strike. So I enquired about the bus number with a peon and went to the bus stop. Unfortunately for me the only friend I had in the office, Tina Patel was on a leave. So I had to travel alone to my house in a bus. Being used to the buses in Bombay I found the buses here too dirty and too bad to travel in. I had never traveled by a bus since moving to this town. As I waited for the bus, I had to leave 5 buses, as they were packed to the hilt. But due to that it was almost 5:30 and I was at the bus stop for more than an hour. It was getting dark and cold. So I decided to get into the next bus, no matter what the crowd was. As it turned out the next bus was really more crowded than a few I had left. There were men hanging off the door. I was the only one to get into the bus. Looking at me the men in the doorway got down to let me in. I saw a few of them checking me out. As I got into the bus with great difficulty I felt a few bodies brush against mine. I accidentally brushed against the crotch of an elderly man standing near the door. As I lost my balance slightly, my hand got caught a bit of his kurta also.

  What am I doing!' I said to myself, as I mumbled a sorry to the person.

As I walked ahead, I felt a few hands brush against my thighs and my ass. Luckily for me, a couple of ladies accommodated me between them in one of the rows of standees. The bus was really packed with two rows of standees. The bus was in a very bad condition. There were only a couple of lights at the two doors, and the bus was running at a snail's pace. The speed at which the bus was running, I knew the usual 20-minute journey would take me 30- 35 minutes at least. As I tried to look around in the bus, it seemed as if we were the only three women in the overcrowded bus. As I rested my hip on a seat handle to my right, I accidentally rested on a hand. So I stood upright again and looked down to apologize to the person.

As it was getting dark I could not see his face clearly. But the person looked at me in the eye and grinned widely. It was clear that he enjoyed the feel of my ass. Even as I was looking at him, he nudged his partner and whispered something in his ears. The other person too looked at me and then both seemed to look at my breasts under the sari. I tried to turn away slightly, but could not do so as I was standing in one row between the two women and a boy who looked in his teens on my left in the other row. Just at that time, the woman standing behind me got down at the next stop. The lady in front was a young girl of about 20-22. The dress she wore indicated that she was from a lower middle class background. She was at least 5-6 inches shorter than me and very skinny. As I turned around to see who was now standing behind me, it was the same man whom I had brushed accidentally at the door.

As the bus ran slowly, I felt a hand on my ass. It was definitely the same guys' wrist on my ass.

 I did it accidentally, so can he', I thought.

But as time passed, the wrist stayed there, and if anything pressed against my ass-cheek. I looked back with some difficulty at the same person. He looked back at me plainly as if nothing was going on.

  I'll have to bear this for some time', I said to myself.

But with no further resistance from me, the hand turned around and now his palms were on my ass. Staying that way for some time, the hand started moving slowly all over my asscheeks. I gripped the vertical bar firmly with my right hand as my left hand held my purse tightly. Soon the person had both his hands squeezing and massaging my rear. I looked around with the hope that someone would stop my harassment. But as I looked to my left, the kid standing in the adjacent row was looking the in the other direction. As I turned my head right, the two men were still staring at my exposed belly and blouse-covered boobsintently. Just then, the person started tracing my panty with his fingers. This made me close my eyes, as I remembered my husband. This made the two sitting horny men looking at me to see what was happening to me. The little hope I had disappeared when the two men looked at the hands running along my panty-lines, and started giggling.

  God help me!' I screamed hard in my mind. But deep down I knew I was trapped. I knew most men in the bus would be the same as the ones sitting beside me to my right. So I slowly nudged at the girl standing in front of me not bothering to ask for help from the man next to me. She turned around with some difficulty.
I looked at her in the eyes. My eyes were moist looking at her. I turned my eyes pointing towards the man behind me. She got the message I wanted her to know. But to my shock, she turned around and even moved forward slightly, distancing herself from me. I knew she did not want to get involved in this.
As I was wearing a chiffon sari, the man could easily grip my panty elastic over my ass cheeks with 3 fingers of each hand. I cursed myself for wearing a bikini panty that day. Because of this, as he pulled my panty elastic upwards, it caused the small fabric to bunch up in my ass-crack.

Now I was as good as naked under my petticoat for his hands. He frenetically massaged my bare ass for some time.

  Hey, what about the guy standing next to this bastard?", I thought.

I turned my head and looked at the guy. As my luck turned out, it was a blind man. Just then I gasped softly with shock as the man put his bare hands on my bare waist from both sides.

This drew the attention of the man standing beside me. His response was to smile and move slightly in my direction, further cramping me for room between him and the guys sitting beside me. My grip on the handle tightened as the palms started running over my flat belly.

Very soon he was circling my belly button. I kept as much a straight face as possible. My heart skipped a beat when he ran his fingers along the waistline of my sari.

  Please don't do that, the whole sari would come off if he tries to enter my petticoat', I pleaded silently.

Thankfully he too changed his mind. But soon I knew he was headed for the place every Indian man dies for. Very soon his hands were palming my breasts. To make it worse, I felt some twitching between my legs. I was definitely getting wet.

My body was doing exactly the opposite of what my mind was thinking. As the man squeezed and mauled my boobs, I felt a third hand on my right thigh. I looked down. To my shock, it was the man sitting on my right. He had his hand running up and down my thigh and the other hand seemed to be moving rhythmically. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I realized it was his erect dick in his hand. Indeed he and his partner were masturbating looking at me. I looked away from the two men to see the man to my left watching intently. He seemed to be some kind of a voyeur.

I felt a relief as the hands on my breasts moved down slightly. But they came back again searching for my nipples over the blouse. As his thumb and first two fingers started pinching my nipples, making them hard and taut. He pinched my nipples so hard that I had to bite my lips to stop from screaming. Tears rolled on my cheeks due to the pain, and at the same time I felt my juices flowing inside my vagina. The bastard tried to outrage me further by trying to slip the sari off my shoulders. But thankfully, I had the sari pinned to my shoulder. At the same time, the shagging man put his hand on my ankle and started to pull up my sari.

 Why couldn't I wear a dress today' I cursed myself.

He pulled up my sari and the petticoat to expose my legs up to just above my knees. I thanked my luck for he didn't go further. But my happiness was short lived, as I did not realize that although he did not pull up my sari, his hands had different plans. The man behind me grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back. This made me lose my balance as I lost the grip of the handle I was holding.

As my entire weight fell on him, I felt his erection on my ass. He seemed really hard. He was about the same height as me. He now smelled my hair with deep breaths. He caught my long hair and swung it forward. By now the sitting person had his hand under the sari on my bare inner thigh. His hand moved upwards, reaching centimeters from my crotch. He stuck up his middle finger and brushed my slit over the panty. This made me weak in my knees and I also lost my grip on my purse, making it fall to the floor.

  He will know now that I am wet and will get encouraged further', I thought.

I looked in his direction sneakily. He definitely had felt my wetness, as he held my sari with the other hand and brought the finger that had probed me to his nose. A wide grin appeared on his face. He looked at me and blew me a kiss and said something to his partner, pointing to his wet finger. And he then looked back to the man behind me and showed him the finger.

As some light fell on his finger, even I could see it glistening with my juices. Seeing what this guy was showing him, the man behind me brought his face to my ears and whispered,

"So I see you like to be handled by strangers in public." I moved my head sideways indicating a no. But I knew my body liked it. The man nudged the man sitting to my right with his erect tool in one hand, and signaled something that I could not see. Then he did the same to the kid standing on my left.

 What the hell are these guys planning?' I thought.

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